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The International Association of Ministers' Wives and Ministers' Widows, Inc.  is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the spouses of ministers and those who have lost their partners in ministry. It focuses on fellowship, empowerment, and spiritual growth, and providing resources and opportunities for its members. The organization also engage in community service and outreach programs, promoting the well-being of both its members and the communities they serve.


Our Purpose

The purposes of this organization are to:

  • Unite into one Christian fellowship ministers’ wives and ministers’ widows of various Christian denominations for greater and more effective service in Kingdom building.


  • Hold a conference annually where ministers’ wives and ministers’ widows may gather for information and inspiration that may better prepare them to function in their roles and understand how to address and manage challenges that may confront them.


  • Develop international goodwill; establish more effective communications; develop stronger interpersonal relationships and promote cultural exchange with ministers’ wives and ministers’ widows around the world.

  • Create a corporation for Christian purposes and Christian observances.


  • Provide the ministry and administration of the body as a non-profit and to carry forth the religious and charitable purposes of the corporation. Subject to any restrictions in the Articles of Incorporation or Restated Articles of Incorporation, the Association may engage in any lawful activity consistent with its tax-exempt status for which corporations may be organized under federal and state laws for 50l(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code for non-profit corporations.



  • $50,000 Endowment Scholarship at Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, Georgia


  • $250,000 Perpetual Endowment Fund


  • $50,000 Endowment Scholarship Fund at Virginia Union University, Richmond, Virginia


  • $50,000 Endowment Scholarship Fund for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)


  • Individual Scholarship presented to eligible applicants in pursuit of a degree from any accredited college or university


  • Ada M. Palmer Scholarship presented to eligible applicants in pursuit of a degree from any accredited college or university


Community Involvement

Charitable contributions made by

IAMWMW Inc. include:


  • American Cancer Society​

  • United Negro College Fund​

  • United Way​

  • Children's Orphanage​

  • Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation​

  • Hale House Center

  • Meals on Wheels

  • Dress for Success

  • Angel Tree



  • The Education Department offers courses divided into three modules to support the specific needs of minister's spouses and minister's spouses left to live. Courses focuses on self improvement and achievement, technology, and skills needed to fulfill God given assignments related to church ministry and community service.  


  • The Leadership Academy is a two-year  instructional appendage of the International Association of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows, Incorporated.



“It takes a Preacher's Wife to teach a Preacher's Wife

how to be a Preacher's Wife” 

Dr. Beverly Williams Glover

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